Commander Clen Ward call the meeting to order at 7:35 PM


MINUTES - There was no Regular Legion Meeting held in July.


FINANCE REPORT - Temporary Finance Officer Dick Salzarullo reported that we are just above treading water! The new roof and Insurance renewal are the major financial

issues we face, including $5000 debt remaining for the roof. Dick presented a program with the Compass Bank for any #233 Member to open a $25 Account would provide a

$20 refund to Post #233. The credit card attached to the account would create further refunding to our Post. Roy will place the program details on the Website.


1St Vice — NO Report


2nd Vice- No Report


3rd Vice- Roy Haverkost presented the security system program, that was funded by donations secured by Johnny Jones. It was previously voted to use Wentworth Security

Systems as the vendor for this project on June 4th• Wentworth failed to perform and has not been paid. Don Mills motioned to cancel this approval until another vendor could be secured, it was seconded by Rick Karpaghian and cancelled by majority.


Roy reported the website had 741 visitors in July and over 16,000 pages viewed during the past 12 months.


HOUSE COMMITTEE — Commander Ward reported that on Sunday, Sept 6 our post will host the 5th District Meeting with approx. 80 members and visitors for a luncheon and has a $200 Budget approved by the Executive Board. Don Mills contributed $50, Morris Busbia $60 and George (Bubba) Clark donated $20 to offset the costs involved with the luncheon.


Commander Ward also reported the upcoming Ward's Landing Reunion Event as one of our largest planned fundraisers, which is scheduled for Saturday, October 17 and we will

secure a one-day permit to allow the public to attend. The Commander is now accepting volunteers for this event. Will Hurley will co-ordinate the scheduling of the bands, who

performed at Ward's Landing in the past.


The Commander also reported on behalf of the House Committee, that the Pull-Tab Machine is now paid for in full.


ADJUCTANT REPORT - Jim Ross reported that the membership renewals were now at 40.5% of goal and that 69 of our current members are World War 2 Veterans. A motion was made by Patty O'callahan and seconded by Don Mills that we schedule a WWII Veterans Event and it passed by majority.


2 new members were read in and approved by majority. 1 transfer was denied by a motion by Rick Kepaghian and seconded by Don Mills and denied by majority. Further

discussion ensued regarding permanent denial and was tabled by the Commander pending the legality of the issue.


NEW BUSINESS - A Motion was made by Ray Williams and seconded by Don Mills that Chuck Kees' canteen priviledge reinstatement be delayed pending his appeal to the house committee. His re-instatement was delayed by majority pending the house committee decision.


A motion was made by Dan and seconded by Dick S. that Chuck Kees be named Temporary 2"d Vice until legal nominations are handled. This passed by majority.


Don Mills nominated Chuck Kees for second Vice and the nomination passed by majority. The nomination will be indicated in the Post and a vote after the next regular

meeting will occur.


Roy Haverkost made a motion for Dick Salzarullo to be Temporary Finance Officer and it was seconded by Rod and passed by majority.


Commander Clen Ward adjourned the meeting at 8:45PM


Jim Ross,

Acting Adjutant