Meeting Minutes,  December 5, 2013

Ceremonial opening conducted by the Commander.


The Commander called the meeting to order at 7:36pm.


The Commander recognized Past Commanders Mark Dorsey and Don Mills, ALA President Judy Mills, SAL Commander Tex Ward, ALR Treasurer Kathy Church, and VFW Commander Jim Durnal in attendance. Tom Gora, 5th District Commander, and Art Schwabe, Department of Florida Commander, were also recognized.


Roll call of seventeen members present.


The Minutes of the November 7, 2013 General Meeting were read. Motion to approve Minutes, seconded and passed.


Applications/transfers: none.


Auxiliary President’s report read and attached.


The SAL Commander thanked the District and Department Commanders for attending the meeting.


The ALR report was read and attached.


The Florida MIAP Coordinator stated that she greatly appreciates all the support from the 5th District and reported that there are another 95 approved for burial.


District Commander Gora congratulated the Post on being Post of the Year. He also thanked Commander Havekost for being the District’s webmaster. He reminded everyone that the Department Commander would be visiting the Post in December. He also recognized Kathy Church’s hard work with the MIAP.


First Vice reported that the Past Commanders dinner will be held in January. The menu has not been determined. He added that the Early Bird Dinner will be held in February and that menu has also not been determined.


Website report was read and attached.


The Commander’s Report was read and attached.


Second Vice reported that the new freezer has been purchased and is now in service.


Third Vice thanked the District and Department Commanders for joining the meeting. He reported that the USS York will be in port tomorrow.


The Finance Officer reported the Post’s Balances. Motion to accept report for audit, seconded and passed.


The Adjutant reported that the Post’s membership renewal is 70.801%. She stated that she is working on a roster of Members who have submitted a copy of their DD214 that will be kept at the bar for anyone who has questions about whether or not they turned theirs in.

The Chaplain asked that members inform the bartenders if anyone is sick or in distress so that he can contact them to see if he can offer assistance.


The public portion of the meeting was closed at 8:00pm.


Unfinished Business


The Department Commander thanked everyone for dinner. He stated that MIAP is an outstanding program and he is working at the Department level to build awareness. He noted that the Department is working with legislators to make them aware of what the Legion wants for our Veterans. He reminded everyone that a Legion license plate is in the works but 1,000 need to be presold before production can start. He reported that there will be a new 100% pennant for the Posts that obtain 100% in all their entities. He stated that the DD214’s should be kept on-hand for all officers and new members. He added that if a Post does not have DD214s for current members, the Post should not deny service to members as an incentive to submit a copy. He added that the Gaming issue would be discussed at the next Department meeting and that Posts can install machines if they wish. He noted that it is a 3rd Degree Felony and you could lose your pension.


The District Commander thanks everyone for dinner and hospitality. He also thanked the Post for all that we do.


The Commander reported that the National Commander would be visiting the Post on January 8th.


The Commander stated that he was waiting to find out how much the material would be to build a display case for the John Wayne handgun the Post won.


The Commander reported that Cathy Costley from the Victim Services Officer of the Attorney General’s Office will conduct a class on recent scams in January. The date has not been set but it will be approximately 45 minutes long and be held during lunch.


The Commander reported that Zach Johnson, one of the boys the Post sent to Boys State, is looking for a donation to attend a program sponsored by the Rotary which will send him overseas. Motion to donate $200 to Zach Johnson so that he can attend the Rotary program, with the contingency that the monies be returned if he does not go, was made, seconded, and passed.


The Commander stated that the Boy’s State payment is due December 23rd. He stated that the Post will send our allotted three but will also pay for a fourth in the event there is room for an alternate. Monies will be returned to the Post if it is not used. A motion to send payment for three boys and an alternate, if available, to Boy’s State was made, seconded, and passed.


New Business


The Finance Officer made a motion to pay Christmas Bonuses of $150 to the Canteen Manager, $75 to bartenders, and $50 to Charlie Walker. The motion was seconded and passed.


The Commander reported that the American Flag in the Post is yellow and dingy from all the cigarette smoke. Mr. Durnal stated that he would get pricing to replace it. A motion to reimburse Mr. Durnal no more than $100 for the purchase of an American Flag was made, seconded, and passed.


The Commander reported that the front door deadbolt is currently broken. He recommended that A1A Lock & Key be called to replace it and have both locks keyed the same. He added that the cleaning crew would not be getting copies of the new keys. They will have to schedule their cleaning time for after 7:00am and the Post is open.


The Commander reported that the House Committee voted unanimously to bring a vote to the General Meeting to make Post 233 a non-smoking Post. He added that the December and January meetings would allow time for discussion.


There was discussion about the effects of a smoking ban at other Legions. It was noted that smokers need to feel as comfortable as non-smokers if they are required to go out to the pavilion to smoke. The discussion was tabled to the January meeting.


Mr. Durnal reminded everyone that there is a Toys for Tots box in the Post. He added that only new and unwrapped toys could be accepted.


The Commander presented the Department Commander with a plaque to commemorate his visit to Post 233.


The Commander reminded everyone that the Children’s Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 14th.


Nothing further for the good of the Legion.

The Commander conducted the Ceremonial closing.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:34pm.

Minutes were transcribed by Adjutant from notes and voice recording of meeting.