Meeting Minutes, May 2, 2013

§  Ceremonial opening and prayer by Cmdr. Havekost.

§  Commander Havekost called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.

§  Roll call of nine members present.

§  Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.

§  Applications/transfers:  Ronnie Dean transfer from Deluth, GA,  Donald Mercurio, Navy;  Ishmael Oliverio, USAF; Robert Harris, Navy; Charles Kuhn, Army; and John Shume, Navy;  new applicants, all paperwork in order, motion to accept applicants, seconded and passed.

§  Commanders report to be read at next meeting.

§  Website report to be read at next meeting.

§  3rd Vice Stu Lilly’s was glad to see the turnout at the meeting and just requested that more members volunteer.

§  Auxiliary President Kathy Church report is attached. Kathy also reported on the recent legislation that was passed concerning the MIAP (Missing in America Project)

§  ALR report by Kathy Church, Treasurer is attached.

§  SAL Commander Tex Ward not present, no report.

§  Public portion of the meeting concluded at 7:27pm, continued with Legionnaire only portion.

Unfinished Business

§  Pool table issue: Tabled to next meeting. Steve Sheffield to look into repair of the table coin mechanism device.

New Business

§  Dan Wortmann reported repairing the kitchen storage room ceiling-wall areas that failed inspection by the Health Dept. on their last visit. Also hall ceiling vents were also cleaned as per Health Dept.

§  The Commander reported that Clen Ward stated that the TPC Military Appreciation Tent has new carpeting installed each year for TPC week. After the event is over the tent gets dismantled until next year. The new carpet is up for ‘grabs’ after the event. Commander showed a sample of the carpet to the membership who agreed it would be suitable for the Post. Since repairs need to be done on the floor before new carpet installation we would need a place to temporarily store the carpet. Discussion followed. Motion and second to obtain the carpet (Cdr. to arrange details) and have a place to store it temporarily, passed unanimously.


Nominations and elections:

Stu Lilly, Nominations Committee member presented the following list of nominations after which each position was opened to the floor for final nominations:

·         Commander Roy Havekost, no further nominations, nominations closed.

·         1st Vice Cmdr. Mark Dorsey, no further nominations, nominations closed.

·         2nd Vice Cmdr. John Richardson, no further nominations, nominations closed.

·         3rd Vice Cmdr. Stu Lilly, no further nominations, nominations closed.

·         4th Vice Cmdr. Charlie Walker, no further nominations, nominations closed.

·         Chaplain Wilbur Burnett, no further nominations, nominations closed.

·         Sgt. at Arms Robert Scarlett, no further nominations, nominations closed.

·         Finance Officer, Tom Leppeard, no further nominations, nominations closed.

·         Historian, no name listed, no further nominations, nominations closed.

·         Executive Committee (5), Dan Wortmann, James Durnal, Sonny Kirkwood, Maury Lazenby and David Seifrit, no further nominations, nominations closed.

There being no contest for the elected positions it was motioned and seconded that the Adjutant cast one ballot for each nominee to be elected by acclamation. Passed unanimously.

Nothing further for the good of the Legion.
Ceremonial closing, Cmdr. Havekost.
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.
Minutes transcribed by Cmdr. Roy Havekost from voice recording of meeting.