Commander Clen Ward called the meeting to order at 8:05 PM.

There was a quorum present.

The minutes of the Oct. 1, 2009 meeting were read. A motion by James Durnal to accept the minutes as read and seconded by Rod Garing. There was approval by majority.

ADJUCTANT REPORT – Jim Ross reported that 258 membership cards have been processed to date at 64.18% of the annual goal for 2009-2010. 2 new members and 3 transfers were read in and approved. Steve Willis motioned to approve the report, Dave Jordan seconded and the Adjuctant Report was approved by majority.

FINANCE REPORT – Jim Ross gave the Finance Report in Dick Salzarullo’s absence.

The Canteen business account was $3,513, the CD is valued at $7,112 and the Pull-tab fund is $2036. The Roof Expense has been paid in full. There is $1493 in the Canteen Savings Fund for the New Cameras. The net after expenses for the Ward’s Landing Reunion was $3703.25 plus approx. an additional $1000 from Compass Bank for member account sign-ups during the event. Steve Willis motioned to accept the Finance Report, Rod Garing seconded and the report was approved by majority.

3rd VICE REPORT – Roy Havekost reported an email request via the website regarding membership from Joe Noplis and his wife (Both Veterans). Their request included a concern regarding our Post being smoke-free. Joe nor his wife wanted a smoke filled room. Roy advised Joe that the meeting room is designated smoke free, non-smoking area of the Post. William Monteith, Army Corp of Engineers has requested transfer to Post 233 from Post 400. Jim Ross will request clarification regarding eligibility with Corp of Engineers. Roy donated 28 hours of time last month. There were 830 visitors to the web site in October, viewing 2,114 pages. The 3 most active pages were: Ward’s landing Reunion, Bulletins and October Newsletter. During the past 12 months, there were a total of 7,259 visitors viewing 19,141 pages on the Post Website. Stu Lilly motioned to accept the 3rd Vice Report, seconded by Patty O and the motion carried.

HOUSE COMMITTEE – Steve Willis presented the committee report regarding the upcoming No-dough Dinner with Hamburgers and Hot Dogs with the proceeds to benefit the USO. The Legion will provide cooking the Thanksgiving Dinner this year. The Security Camera estimated value is $4000 with 2 monitors and 4 cameras. A camera is proposed for front parking lot, side of the building, thru the kitchen to back door and a camera over the cash register. A contract will be awarded to Mike & Karen Dubin after a donation letter is secured for the installation wiring, ect. Bob Nagel motioned to award the contract to the Dubins with Steve Willis seconding and the motioned passed by majority to purchase the Security Camera Monitoring System. Steve also said a new Heating/AC Duct System would cost approximately $3400. He also estimated a complete 5 ton unit with new ductwork would be approx. $8000. Clen Ward asked that a committee be formed to study HVAC and a remodeling project. Steve Willis volunteered to Chair the committee. Dan volunteered to join the committee also. There was a motion by Dave Jordan to accept the House Committee Report with Patty O seconding and the report was approved.

OLD BUSINESS – Patty O’Callahan reported that 72 invitations were mailed to the WWII Members and 40 WWII Members/Guest have responded with reservations for the November 14th Event. The Agenda is set for the Event.

NEW BUSINESS – Patty O. offered to hold trivia on Mondays. Dan wants to start a HorseShoe League. Clen brought up an inter-post horseshoe league with Post 129. Clen wants to hold a future red, white and blue ceremony and suggest we attend the upcoming ceremony at Post 316 in November.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05PM