Meeting Minutes, November , 2012




The meeting was called to order at 1909 hrs by CDR Roy Havekost.

CDR called for quorum status, Sgt-at-Arms stated a quorum of 10 members was present Chaplain Pro-Tern Garing opened the meeting with prayer.

ADJ read minutes of previous Legionnaire meeting. Motion to accept minutes as read by Dan Wortmann, seconded by Robbie Bacom. Approved.

CDR reported that $300 was approved by House & Executive Committee to the Alden Road School's Veterans Luncheon. Motion made by Don Mills to approve the $300 donation from the Pull Tabs, seconded by Dan Wortman, approved.

CDR reported that $975 was approved by Executive Committee to the three delegates for Boys State Attendance. Motion made by Don Mills to approve the $975 fee, seconded by Stu Lilly, approved.

CDR reported that $128.22 was approved by Executive Committee for the repair & ambience of the pavilion by Patty & Dan. Dan needs reimbursement for the purchase of necessary items, such as lights. Motion made by Robbie Bacom, seconded by Don Mills, approved.

CDR reported that $800 was approved by Executive Committee for the purchase of supplies & payment for labor to Dan Wortmann for repair/replacement of the ceiling over the bar. Don Mills suggested that we raise that amount to $1,000 for project completion. Motion made by Robbie Bacom to raise & approve the $1,000 for ceiling repair, seconded by Don Mills, approved.

CDR stated that the newsletters will be late, his web report & CDRs report will be late, due to his being out-of-town.

Dieter applauded, as did the membership, for his continued outstanding work on our web site. CDR gave finance report review in the absence of the finance officer.

Adjutant's Report, Membership: We are at 78.249% officially (88.064% unofficially) & number one in the 5th District with any post that has over 100 members, by November 1st.

1st Vice-Absent, excused, no report.

2nd Vice Report: Thank you to Patty O'Callahan as my Adjutant and now as Roy's. 3rd Vice Report: Ditto, Thank you to Patty O'Callahan. We need volunteers.

Dieter wanted to discuss the finance report and loosing over $2,000 last month. CDR stated that we need to get more people to hold & help with events. All we can do is continue to appeal to the membership to assist with volunteering, in any way they can. Dieter agreed that we have to have at least one event per month. CDR stated that we strive for two per month, and one is definitely a goal that we meet each month. Patty stated that one of the problems for our deficit this month is for unexpected expenditures, 1) Wind and Property & Worker's Comp Insurance was $500; 2) Replacement of the computer was $984; and, 3) repair of the sewage pump & grease filter, all culminated this month to over $2,000. So, further, CDR stated that even monetary donations help toward the success of this post.

Chaplain Pro-Tern's Report: No report. CDR thanked him for stepping up to the plate, in Chaplain Nagel's absence, due to his failing health.

Historian: No report.

Service Officer: No report.

Sgt-at-Arms: Absent, excused, no report.

ALA President, Kathy Church, gave their report, attached. She also stated that they are encouraging donations to our 2012 Firefighter of the Year for her marathon run.

ALR Treasurer, Kathy Church, gave their report, attached. Duly noted in the minutes that Russell Langley resigned as Director of the ALR Chapter at Post #233 and his name has been removed from all pertinent documents, to include banking accounts. Trevor Chase & Virna Keener have been added to the banking accounts as Director & Treasurer, respectively.

SAL representative, Jason Bass, gave their report.

CDR stated that there is the Chicken Dinner by Don & Ben this Saturday. He requested the attendance & assistance of Legionnaires at the Veterans Day event at the Ponte Vedra Valley Cemetery and luncheon at the post afterwards, and thank you to the SAL for hosting it. Also, for the Thanksgiving Luncheon, free to the public, but traditionally sponsored by the Legionnaires, and the K9s for Warriors Graduation on the 16t.

ADJ stated that due to her being in the middle of moving and packing, she inadvertently left five applications at home. However, she has reviewed them and all appears to be in order. She asked that the membership trust her in approving them so that she can include them in her final package to Department for processing. She and the CDR are meeting tomorrow and she will share their documents with him for final approval. She did have an application that she just received for Daily. All six of the applicants were approved by members present. Motion was made to approve aforementioned applicants by Robbie Bacom, seconded by Dan Wortmann, approved.

Adjutant, Patty O'Callahan, officially resigned her post, due to her relocation to Washington, DC, for employment.

CDR stated that this Saturday, at Mayport, there is a job fair and he will post the information on the post bulletin board. They are particularly looking for veterans.

Rod Garing thanked Kathy Church for her continued service to the post.

CDR asked that the meeting be suspended from official proceedings, momentarily.

CDR asked that the Adjutant sit in the front of the podium and presented her with the announcement of her resignation, a very eloquent farewell speech and a beautiful plaque in appreciation of her past service.

Chaplain Pro-Tern Garing gave closing prayer.

CDR announced that Chef Mike & Company has prepared some refreshments for Patty's farewell and invited everyone to join in.

The meeting was adjourned at 1954 hrs.

Patty O'Callahan, Adjutant