Meeting Minutes, October 2, 2008


The regular monthly meeting of the American Legion Palm Valley Post 233 was held on the above date in the post meeting room and was called to order by Commander Don Mills at 7:pm
There was a quorum present.
The minutes of the September meeting was read and approved.
Our Chaplain prayed. 5th District Commander Bob Brewster was introduced.
Your adjutant reported 62% membership our goal was 55% and Roy Havekost read in two Post 400 transfers, Melvin Bielecka and Roger Quinlan.
The transfer in were approved by vote.
No reports from the first, second or third Vice Commanders
Bob Schroeter wanted a statement read that was composed at a secret meeting that was held at Chuck Kees house and attended by Clen Ward, Dave Jordan, Chuck Kees, Brian Mickley  Jim Wadley, Bob Nagel, Bob Schroeter,and Jim Ross. It was ruled out of order and was not read.
Patty O'Callahan moved to spend $122.00 for bottle covers for a fund raiser for Melita. second by Ric Smith. The motion was eventually withdrawn as it was decided that the Post would be paid by taking the money out of the sale of the covers.
Patty also gave a House Committee report, Oct and Nov events will be posted on the board.
Steve Hutchinson explained the way pull tab money can be used, our District Commander told us that pull tab money can be donated to the aux. and then can be given to Melita and/or use it to buy the bottle covers.
Johnny Jones will set up a trust account for Melita.
Roy Havekost gave a web site report, the report is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Under new business Ric Smith told us we have had request from department asking us to submit a copy of new by-laws for approval. he read two rejection letters on previously submitted by-laws because of no process for the removal, reprimanding or suspension of members and or officers.
Ric read part of our new proposed by laws which included those provisions. Those by-laws have been read by our dept judge advocate and we have a letter from him indicating his approval.
A discussion followed concerning approval of the by-laws. Make copies available to all members, Patty will make copies available. Roy will put on the web site.
Rod ask for and received easy access to files and to the office for his on going efforts of compiling post historical records.
Bob Brewster thanked us for our support for of the district bar b q for 1500 troops leaving for Iraq.
The Chaplain prayed,  meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Ray Williams, Adjutant.