Meeting Minutes, October, 2013

General Membership Minutes, October 3, 2013



Ceremonial opening conducted by Commander Havekost.


Chaplain Burnett conducted the opening prayer.


Commander Havekost called the meeting to order at 7:18pm.


Commander Havekost recognized Past Commanders Mark Dorsey and Don Mills and VFW Commander Jim Durnal in attendance.


Roll call of twelve members present.


The Minutes of the September 5, 2013 General Meeting were read. Motion to approve Minutes, seconded and passed.


Applications/transfers: Jim Jacobs, Air Force, Mike Reagan, Army, and Anthony Patton, Air Force (transfer). Paperwork for all new applicants is in order. Motion to accept applicants, seconded and passed.


The Adjutant reported that the Post’s membership renewal is 57.881%. She reminded members to sign the membership applications if they recruit a new member so that they will get credit for the Membership Incentive Program.


Finance Officer Leppeard reported the Post’s Balances. Motion to accept report for audit, seconded and passed.


Commander Havekost reported that he and Finance Officer Leppeard would be meeting with the Commanders of ALA, SAL, and ALR to discuss finances.


Second Vice Mills announced that the Post needs cooks for the lunch while Rita is on vacation. Charlie Walker will help with lunches as he can. He then reported that the dishwasher is not broken, it was out of soap. 


Third Vice: No report.


Fourth Vice Walker and SAL Commander Ward explained the dishwasher issue in detail.


Chaplain Burnett asked the members to share information with him about any members who are sick or in distress. He added that he would be visiting Doug Cope who is not feeling well and is unable to drive.


Sergeant-at-Arms: No report.


ALA Member Cynthia Gaines proposed that the Legion, ALA, ALR, and SAL each chip in $250 to create a friends and family fund for emergencies. The Legion would decide how much to give each family in need and it would be funded by future fundraisers. State and National will help if a member applies for emergency funds, but the Post must help first. Discussion was tabled.


SAL Commander Ward reported that the Legion fundraiser raised approximately $100. He added that there is $2,700 in their bank account with more fundraisers planned. The next one will be held on Saturday, November 9th in honor of Veteran’s Day.


Auxiliary President’s report read and attached.


American Legion Rider’s report read and attached.

MIAP report was read and attached.


Website report was read and attached.


Commander Havekost thanked everyone who contributed to the Newsletter.


The public portion of the meeting was closed at 2000.


Unfinished Business


Dan Wortmann reported that Trivia will start on Monday, November 18th at 7:00pm. The prize amounts were then discussed. A motion was made and seconded to set the prizes as follows: first place will get $25 in chips, second will get $15 in chips, and third will get $10 in chips. The motion passed unanimously.


Commander Haverkost stated that he was still looking for someone to build a display case for John Wayne handgun the Post won. A motion was made and seconded to spend up to $150 in materials to build a display case. The motion passed unanimously.


Commander Haverkost reported that shirts for the Officers and Executive Board have been ordered and should be here within four to six weeks.


New Business


Commander Havekost asked the Committee to consider donating $100 to COTA, the Department Commander’s charity of choice. A motion was made and seconded. The motion passed with one opposed.


Thanksgiving dinner was discussed. Commander Havekost stated that the Post is looking for turkey and ham donations. Chaplain Burnett stated that he would donate a turkey. The Commander stated that he is also donating food but would like to see others donate as well.


Nothing further for the good of the Legion.

Commander Havekost conducted the Ceremonial closing.

Chaplain Burnett conducted the closing prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:pm.

Minutes were transcribed by Adjutant from notes and voice recording of meeting.