Meeting Minutes, September, 2013

General Membership Minutes, September 5, 2013



Ceremonial opening conducted by Commander Havekost.


Chaplain Burnett conducted the opening prayer.


Commander Havekost called the meeting to order at 7:21pm.


Commander Havekost recognized Past Commanders Mark Dorsey and Don Mills and VFW Commander Jim Durnal in attendance.


Roll call of eleven members present.


The Minutes of the August 1, 2013 General Meeting were read. Motion to approve Minutes, seconded and passed.


Applications/transfers: Walter Waters, Navy and Emmanuel Bernadin, Navy. Transfer from Pennsylvania, Thomas Chuba, Army. Paperwork for all new applicants is in order. Motion to accept applicants, seconded and passed. Joseph Nasworthy has finished all his coursework for K9s for Warriors so Mark Dorsey recommended that we send him his American Legion membership card.


The Adjutant reported that the Post’s membership renewal is 56.163%. The next membership goal is 65% on October 30, 2013.


Commander Havekost presented a recruiting incentive program for current members. If a member brings in three new members, not transfers, their dues would be paid for the following year. The Adjutant will track all referrals. A motion was made to adopt this incentive program. The motion was seconded and passed.


The Commander thanked everyone for all their work in helping the Post become 5th District’s Post of the Year. He stated that letters of appreciation are hanging in the Post for all the entities for their hard work over the last year.


Finance Officer Leppeard reported the Post’s Balances. Motion to accept report, seconded and passed.


First Vice Dorsey reported that the Past Commanders’ Dinner raised $740 and another one is planned for next quarter.


Chaplain Burnett welcomed Third Vice Lilly back from his illness. The Commander thanked the Chaplain for representing the Post when visiting Comrade Lilly in the hospital.


Auxiliary President’s report read and attached.


American Legion Rider’s report read and attached.


House Committee minutes read and attached.


The SAL paid for the installation of the fryer donated by Dale Little. The SAL asked to be reimbursed $100 each from the ALR, Legion, and Auxiliary and they would consider the balance of the $139 as their portion. Motion made to pay the SAL $100 for the Legion’s portion of the fryer installation, seconded and passed.


House Committee recommended beginning Trivia Night at the Post. The cost would be $75 per night and would occur once per week, beginning in November. A motion was made to begin Trivia Night at Post 233 beginning in November. Motion made to start Trivia Night on a trial basis, seconded and passed.


Website report was read and attached.


Unfinished Business


The Post renewed all its current insurance policies with Post Insurance for a cost of $7,049.56. This was the lowest amount of the four quotes received.


Commander Havekost reminded the Membership that the current chip system will expire on December 31, 2013. The new chips will go on sale December 15th for those who want to buy them as Christmas presents. New chips will be used beginning January 1, 2014. There are no exceptions. It was recommended that volunteers receive a choice of three chips worth $2.25 each or a half-price meal. Motion made for volunteers to receive a choice of three chips worth $2.25 each or a half-price meal, seconded and passed.


Commander Havekost reported that he purchased the proposed portable PA system for $50 less than the approved cost.


New Business


Law and Order Award ceremony is on Saturday, September 14th from 2:00pm to 7:00pm. There will be a fish fry provided by Captain Ski. Commander Havekost reported that the plaques for the Law and Order awards cost $120. Motion made to purchase the Law and Order awards, seconded and passed.


The Post will be holding a POW MIA Remembrance ceremony on Friday, September 20th at 5:00pm.


Post 283 is holding a PEDS Care Poker Run on Saturday, September 28th. The Post is a stop on their run and it will cost approximately $250 to provide food. Motion made to approve up to $250 for food for the PEDS Poker run, seconded and passed.


Commander Havekost stated that the Post and its members need to continue their hard work and to also look professional at meetings. He suggested that the Post purchase shirts for each of the Post’s Officers and Executive Board Members, with Committee Chairman receiving shirts later in the year. Shirts cost $39.95 with up to four lines of embroidery included. Motion made to purchase shirts for Post’s Officers and Executive Board Members, seconded and passed.


Commander Havekost asked for members to volunteer as Committee Chairmen.


Commander Havekost reported that Second Vice Commander John Richardson has missed Installation and three meetings. Per Post Bylaws, an officer can be removed and replaced if three meetings are missed. Jim Durnal nominated Don Mills for the position of Second Vice Commander. Comrade Mills accepted the nomination. Vote to accept Don Mills as Second Vice Commander was unanimous.


Executive Board Member David Seifrit has also missed Installation and three meetings. Dan Wortmann nominated Mike Eatmon to fill the Executive Board vacancy. Comrade Eatmon accepted the nomination. Vote to accept Mike Eatmon as a member of the Executive Board was unanimous.


The Fifth District’s meeting will be held at Post 88 on Sunday, September 8th. Commander Havekost suggested giving the District two Gift Certificates for free dinners for door prizes. Motion made to provide two dinner gift certificates to the Fifth District for door prizes, seconded and passed.


Florida Veterans Programs and Projects will be filming a documentary about PTSD and will be interviewing Warriors from K9s for Warriors. They are seeking donations to fund this project. Motion made to donate $100 to this project, seconded and passed.


Commander Havekost asked Charles Kees to see if his brother would be willing to build a display case for the John Wayne handgun the Post won. Comrade Kees agreed to this request.


Nothing further for the good of the Legion.

Commander Havekost conducted the Ceremonial closing.

Chaplain Burnett conducted the closing prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.

Minutes were transcribed by Adjutant from notes and voice recording of meeting.